“Welcome to America!” Some describe the United States as the country of all the clichés: the soap operas, the reality TV, the bad food, the disproportion … but is this myth or reality? The only way to make the point: to go directly to the USA and explore more closely …
The Americas boast of being the example to follow, both culturally and politically. The cradle of democracy. Where man is free to become whatever he desires. All this thanks to a special DNA: a country created from scratch, by different nationalities, but motivated by a common goal. That of expressing oneself freely, of pursuing one’s own way, of having a better quality of life, of being rich. These people of diverse cultures, gathered around ideals, federated by a new kind of Constitution, written by the people for the people.
Difficult to deny the American success: as super power, it influenced the whole planet. The United States is today the most creative, innovative and rich country in modern history.
Of course, it is always difficult to put one’s a priori aside. The media are fed with so many clichés. The American myth does exist, and it is even proudly supported by the Americans themselves. The US has been so photographed, described, and filmed in its history, that it is difficult to let go of our preconceived ideas. There are however levels, a depth that can only be appreciated on the spot … when going directly there.
Anyone who can exceed the clichés will be seduced by this extraordinary country. The USA never ceases to reveal its layers, its secrets, its hidden face … it is a world hallucinating waiting for you, accessible to all.
Prepare your trip to the USA today, you will not regret it.